Enjoy these messages!

Bro. Gary Patton Sunday Night

Bro. Gary Patton Monday Night

Bro. Gary Patton Tuesday Night

Bro. Gary Patton Wednesday Night

Bro. Gary Patton Thursday Night Message on Friday Afternoon

Bro. Gary Patton Friday Night

Bro. Gary Patton Monday Conference

Bro. Gary Patton Tuesday Conference

Bro. Gary Patton Wednesday Conference

Bro. Gary Patton Thursday Conference

Bro. Gary Patton Friday Conference

Bro. Danny Goins - Come and Dine

Bro. Mitchell Butch - Come Unto Me

Sis. Virginia Russ - Come Take Up Your Cross

Bro. Russ Hayes - Come Let Us Reason Together

Bro. Rick Walker - Come Out From Among Them and Be Ye Separate

Bro. J.B. Lee - Come Out of Her My People

Bro. John Clegg - Come and Worship

Bro. Larry McCallister Sr. - The Spirit and the Bride Say Come Follow Me

Sis. Pat Franklin - Come Boldly

Bro. Tim Warden - Come as a Child
